Saturday, September 1, 2012

Long Run

I got in bed last night at 8:25 PM last night.  I was determined to get the sleep situation handled before my alarm went off at 5:45 AM.  However,  the night did not go that great.  Baby G is teething and we have a few bad nights a week.  Last night was epic.  There were wake ups upon wake ups upon wake ups.  Lots of wailing.  Why Baby G??  Why will you do such a thing on the even of a 15 mile training run?

After a long night, the alarm indeed went off at 5:45 AM.  It was a bummer.  Stone Cold.  After I got dressed and staggered into the kitchen for my Glowing Green Smoothie and Green Tea, who should arrive on the scene but my four year old wide awake before 6:00 AM.  Love it.  I mixed up his Ovaltine, set up the cartoons and headed to meet my running group.  Once I walked out the door, I realized that the run was going to be rough.  The temperature was high and the humidity was like a sauna even at 6:00 AM.

The run went well for 9 miles, and then there were three miles of barely making it and then three miles of gimping shamefully.  It was embarrassing.  I really haven't felt that bad since I ran Boston this year and it made me sort of worried that I can't handle anything but perfect conditions.  I am only marathon golden when it is 50 degrees and West Coast arid.  Bit then maybe that's my thing, and that's all I've got.   I might not be mentally tough.

Another piece of the puzzle, is that I have swimmer's ear.  It has been brewing since Wednesday, and I hoping that a good dose of the vinegar/ rubbing alcohol ear wash can resolve things without antibiotics.  Surely that isn't making my run terrible.  It's my ear, not my legs.

Better next week.

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