Monday, February 2, 2015

SuperBowl Sunday

Swim the Suck
So yesterday was like a workout bonanza that just ended up getting a little out of hand if my hunger by the time the SuperBowl rolled around was any indication.  With Boston looming in 2.5 months, I am trying to run four days a week.  After a long run like Saturday, we all try to do a recovery trail run on Sunday morning.  So, I popped up early and I actually looked forward to getting up, because I am deeply immeshed in my new favorite thing.

I am having a love affair with hot chocolate mix in the bottom of my nespresso coffee cup.  I live for it and I need to let the 5 AM sugar fix go, but I am enjoying it too much.  SO, solid 7 mile trail run, 9.5 minute miles, one rolled ankle and one hard fall and easy enough. Once home, I morphed into hard core get to church on time mode.  Did I get to shower?  No I did not, but I feel like this was cancelled out by my appropriate church attire and bit of Chanel #5.

After church, I took a nap and then and then was invited to a SuperBowl Sunday swim where we swam 4900 meters in celebration of the 49th SuperBowl.  Now that I am writing it down, it all seems a bit extreme, but it is also part of my social life problem.  I live to run trails on Sundays to catch up with my trail running friends.  I like to swim at the SportsPlex on Sunday afternoons to catch up with my swim group friends, and every once in a while everything comes together on the same day in a big way.

Needless to say that by the time I got home from swim I was in full on hunger meltdown mode and I ate a significant portion of guacamole.

Needless to say, after yesterday, today was a light day.

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