Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why are my Days Off Never as I Think They Will Be

So, this morning was all about toting Ivan to the doctor and getting there on time and that really pretty much consumed me.  We had a pretty reasonable morning until some most unfortunate bathroom issues pulled us down and jeopardized our punctuality.  I never know what do do about significant bathrooming issues.  Do we shut down shop and cancel all appointments and let everyone's bowels rehabilitate or do we march on as planned.  We had an appointment that had been made three months ago and it seemed best to march on as planned, and it was a massive gamble.  Did my gamble pay off?

After barely making it through his appointment, Ivan had a massive bath rooming issue in the office bathroom.  Assuming everything was stable, Ivan headed to school post appointment.  All went relatively well.

G-Money, however, was not out of the woods.  So when I went to lunch with a friend and toted him along,  he pretty immediately hysterically demanded to the restaurant that he had to poop.  For this reason, common sense should have told me that we did not need to go to swim team, alas, I was clearly not functioning on all cylinders.  We headed off to swim team where I swam with George while Ivan practiced his butterfly.  After swimming for a bit, G and I got out of the pool when G told me "not look at me and not worry about it".

OF course, this was code for "i have poop running down my legs and if anyone sees it they will brown out the poop and everyone will know about it".  I literally threw a towel over G and sprinted to the bathroom where I removed his suit in a bathroom stall with a towel and threw both things in the trash never to be seen again.


Better Tomorrow

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