Monday, April 30, 2012

Juice Nashville

Juice Nashville Labels
"Did she just say juice cleanse?", you are asking your self, and indeed you read correctly.  A juice cleanse it was.  Nashville has a new company (Juice Nashville) from which you can buy a day's worth of juices with which to cleanse your body.  The important thing is that they are unpasteurized and you do not have to do any of the juicing work yourself.  Let me just tell you right now that juicing is a serious hassle.

In fact, I find juicing to be such a hassle that I gave my juicer to my neighbor.  Juicing is out of the realm of my time and talent.  I will say, though, that a freshly made juice is so delicious that you will not really want to hit your Minute Maid unless you just need a sugar high.

Also, I read this great blog post about pasteurization from Lauren Talbot.  The most common sense element of the idea of pasteurization is that while the juice is safe and will keep for a long time, it has been heated to a point that most of the benefits of a juice are lost.  It has become a sugar wasteland.  

Now that I have a Vitamix, I generally just throw everything in the  blender and drink it like a shake.  I am always sort of disturbed by the amount of pulp/fiber you lose when juicing, as I think the whole food is probably very important, thus my Vitamix.

Anyway, I got down a juicing rabbit hole, and I want to tell you all about Juice Nashville.  If you want to do a three day juice cleanse, like something that Gwynneth Paltrow would tell us to do on Goop, or if you want to order a week's worth of unpasteurized almond milk or carrot juice or what evers your heart may desire, you can order online at Juice Nashville.  Juice Nashville will deliver to your home or you can pick it up at the Nashville or Franklin Farmer's Market.  The Juice was great and packaged well.  I thoroughly enjoyed every juice.

Juices were as follows:
1) apple, kale, collard, lemon
2)apple, beet, kale, ginger
3) orange, grapefruit, apple, ginger
4) carrot
5) apple, carrot, ginger
6) almond milk

All the juices were a burst of fabulousness to my palate. Really delicious.  I will keep the labels forever so that I can create identical combinations in my Vitamix.  The most delicious and fascinating to me was the almond milk.  It was great.  I drink almond milk at home, and it is tasty.  BUT, the fresh unpasteurized almond milk was a whole unexpected experience in freshness.  It tasted like a liquified raw almond.  I have no interest in investing in an nut milker (is it me or does "nut milker" sound totally filthy like Cinemax after dark???!!!), so I can see investing in an almond milk a week for cereal and such.  HOWEVER, it is $6 dollars for each 16 oz bottle of juice; 2 cups of juice for $6!!!!!.  THAT IS A LOT, in case you are unversed in food pricing.  If I bought one almond milk a week, I could stretch in into one bowl of cereal and one of my oatmeal bakes.  I may try the almond milk for a few weeks and see how it goes.

In conclusion, Juice Nashville is amazing.  If I win the lottery, I am for sure having their juices delivered on a regular basis.  Until then, I will buy the almond milk and make my own concoctions in my Vitamix.  Womp Womp.  Would really like to win the lottery.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Boston Marathon and Everything Else

On the bus to Hopkinton

Boston Athlete's Village
Oh Hello There.  I am just swanning back into the blog world with profuse apologies for my absence.  My work picked up and the baby stopped sleeping through the night and everything sort of went to pot.  I continued training for the Boston Marathon successfully, but I had to let the blog go for a while.  I really miss blogging when I stop doing it, so I am hoping that I am back on for good.  I will skip everything that went down since I ran the Tom King half marathon and just tell you how the Boston Marathon went down.

The Boston Marathon was really the worst. It was 89 degrees at the start, I ran an hour slower than anticipated.  It did not ruin my life, BUT I have to say that it hurt my pride and just demoralized me.  It was a rugged run and honestly, I did not run a lot of it. I killed my first eight miles and then just phoned it in for the next eighteen.  It was ugly.

On the breast feeding front, I really thought that I would be so dehydrated from running in such warm temperatures that my breasts would not be able to fill up with milk.  I was sorely mistaken however.  I became more and more dehydrated and my boobs got bigger and bigger.  In fact, the only sunburn I really got that day was when my full boobs pushed up over my sports bra, exposing skin that should never have been exposed.  Honestly, I peed at 9:30 AM in the morning and then did not pee again until 6:30 that night.  It was a color like I have ever seen.

Post marathon, I was supposed to meet my husband and Baby G at the Boston Four Seasons for drinks with my running group.  When I showed up at the Four Sesaons, my husband had forgotten my Hooter Hider (breast feeding smock) and I had no choice but to feed Baby G out in the open at the Four Seasons bar like a dirty hippie.  All in all, the whole marathon sort of went downhill.  I will say that it was a lovely trip.  We had great dinners.

On the way home, however, our flight from Newark to Nashville was cancelled twice.  We sat in the Newark food court for 5 hours and did not touch down in Nashville until 1:30 AM with a 6 month old.  It was all just brutal.  However, it is over, and I live to fight another day.

Post marathon, I have taken two weeks off of everything but yoga and pilates.  I met with a personal trainer to determine that I have a split transverse muscle.  I have a whole regimen of things to do to improve what the ills of pregnancy have done to my abdominals.  I have done a good bit of cooking and embarked on a one day juice cleanse from Juice Nashville.    There is a lot to tell.

More tomorrow.