Saturday, November 12, 2011


And when I say that life seems easier now, it is really only on the worry front.  Other things that have changed include the amount that I work.  After my first child, I worked part time in the afternoons and sporadically on some Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I will say that I looked forward to work all day as a welcome break from being cloistered at home and an exciting way to earn money with which I felt quite independent and like a contributing member of society.

Of course, I am still a contributing member of society, BUT anyone who has had a job they seriously enjoyed and has given it up to stay at home with their family understands that there is a funny and for me, unpleasant, feeling of dependence.  Does this go away?  I am not really sure, but, for now, it is hanging over my head that I have no good reason to change out of my yoga pants.  I must change out of my yoga pants.

Also, pre-second baby, it was very easy to get in my workouts.  I could do a workout video while our only child was napping, I could get out the door to run before he woke up.  If he did wake up, one child was not too much to handle while my husband got ready for work.  Two children is whole different ball game.  There is serious timing involved to get in anything close to a workout and everyone is grumpy when asked to care for both children at once.

That said, our second child is only three weeks old.  Am I supposed to be working out?  Absolutely not. Do I sort of cheat and do some workout videos and power walks?  For sure.  Until our child is six weeks old, I am not going to pass any judgement on the state of my workouts, nor should I.  I will set down my gavel until Little G is at least six weeks old, maybe older.

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