Saturday, March 10, 2012

This morning, I was pleased to stay in bed an extra half hour before getting downtown to run the Tom King Half Marathon.  I have run the Tom King multiple times in my athletic career and I have always found it be one of the most deceptive races that I have ever run.  It is mostly flat and for whatever reason, I generally think it is an easy race, but I always try to run it too fast AND I barely make it to the end AND  I am then sick and miserable for the rest of the day.

I was hoping that this year, I would have it under control, but no.  I did at least go out rather moderately, so I did not start hurting until the end.  I ran around 7:40's until around the half, then picked it up from there.  I actually ran a sub seven minute mile towards the end.  Today actually made me think that Boston would not be as enjoyable and easy as that last time I ran it.

I ran it two minutes slower than when I ran it two years ago in preparation for my first Boston marathon. I ran that Tom King all out, and I am pretty sure that I spent the rest of that day in pain as well.  Today was worse because I two children instead of one.

I parked it on the couch, held the baby and tried to run interference with my three year old all from a supine position.  It did not work.  When the baby finally went down for a nap, I was able to face plant in my bed and spend further time pondering the wisdom of my Saturdays.  I dragged myself out of bed to run, my husband used almost all my pumped breast milk, and my day was pretty well sacked.

Bleh.  I sort of enjoy it though.

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