Monday, September 10, 2012

Back On

After a couple of days like I pulled this weekend, I really had no choice but to make good today.  Last night, I was in bed at 8:30 and I slept soundly until 4:42 AM.  I normally sleep until 4:45 AM, but this morning, one of the men from my bike group texted at 4:42 AM that he couldn't make it.  This text popped through on my phone alarm and woke me up three minutes early, WHICH I RESENTED.  Anyway, I dutifully got out of bed and met the other members of the bike group and rode 17 miles super fast.  It is getting cold, and my next investment needs to be some sort of set of gloves that covers my fingers.  Can I fit in a trip to REI tomorrow?

At home, my morning went off so very well.  I was able to get the car packed, everyone fed breakfast, bikes put away and swimsuits packed before 8:00 AM.  I was in the water on time and I swam 3000 meters. It was completely enjoyable and a great day.  I feel like I accomplished a lot and nothing makes me feel better than accomplishing a bunch of tasks.  I love it.

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