Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday: Run and Yoga/Pilates Fusion

So, yesterday at 3:00 PMish, I figured out that my running group was going to do a point to point 20 mile run followed by breakfast.  This initially sounded great, BUT the carpooling and driving back to pick up cars and the eating of breakfast was a logistical time suck.  With the breast feeding and the care of children and the trying to get back to the house so that my husband could leave to go biking, there was really no way it could work.

I will just tell you that it is a pretty fearsome thing to be staring down the barrel of an 18 mile run alone.  Honestly, if a vagrant parolee with deep deep misogyny issues had been my only other option besides running alone, I would have gladly run with the parolee.  The only idea I had for 18 miles alone was to run 6 LAPS around my neighborhood loop.  MISERY.

Luckily, I heard of a couple of other people from my swim class who were running long today and we got in 18 miles.  It was actually a great run.  The great crew from my swim class paced me really well, I held 8:15s on most of my miles, and then dropped down to 7:30 for the last couple of miles I think.  I cannot find the computer plug for my Garmin so I haven't see the milage yet.

Back at home, everything was a zoo.  Baby crying, husband trying to get ready to get out the door, older son asking to play with this and that and not eating his breakfast.  The house was as if a cyclone had spun though it.  The sheets on the bed were so twisted that I still have not gotten them right.  I really need to take all the sheets off and rearrange.  How do they do it?

After a bit, I loaded everyone up and headed to the YMCA to take a pilates/yoga fusion class to stretch and strengthen which I think is absolutely integral for marathon training with as little base as I have and as much as my body is contorted with toting about baby carriers and dragging strollers out of the car.  My lower back is wracked on a pretty consistent basis.  The class was very good today and I felt like I really stretched out whatever damage was done on my run today.

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