Friday, January 27, 2012

Thursday: Run and Mat Pilates

So, I did not blog yesterday, because, honestly, my soul was pressed beyond its bearing point.  Yesterday was bleak.  My son was still sick, we were trapped at the house and by the end of the day, I began to feel that I was not a fit parent and that maybe my children were also unfit.  The week before Christmas, I took both children to have their picture made with Santa Claus.  When I got to the mall, it was freezing outside, both children were dressed to the nines and grumping and complaining, and I had dragged the strolled out of the trunk and had just gotten it all set up and put together.  A friend and inappropriate prankster came up behind me and was going to push the stroller away to scare me, which is not at all funny, but I turned around too soon and he was not able to implement his prank.  However, on that particular day, the prank would actually have been on him.

I had stuffed to resistant children into velvet Christmas outfits, we had all cried, their had been two incidents of pants wetting, and I was in a foul mood.  Had I seen someone I knew relatively well enough to know that they could be a reasonable guardian to my child sneaking away with my stroller full of children, my only words would have been "Via Con Dios".  "I will be at the nearest alcohol serving establishment". "Please call me when you have enrolled them in a good boarding school." "Please let me know when everyone is potty trained."  I sort of felt that way yesterday when my oldest son jumped on a cooking repeatedly until it was a paste on the floor and then, when I went to check on the baby, splashed so much water out of the bathtub that there was a standing pool on the floor.  It was the awfulest.

When my husband came home, I was able to sneak around the corner to get in a swim of 3000 yards But immediately upon stepping out of the pool I received an urgent text that said the baby was inconsolable and  I needed to come home straight quick.  I could hear the baby wailing as I parked the car.

THEN, as I sat down to breast feed, I realized that the something did not feel quite right and I felt achy all over, and suddenly I was painfully in the midst of my THIRD installment of mastitis within a span of two months.  It was brutal.  I dispatched myself to the drug store and picked up antibiotics.  Everything was all around unpleasant.

Today was like an ice cream sundae comparatively.  My antibiotics kicked in, the baby slept 12 hours, and my oldest was well enough to go back to nursery school today.  I went to the gym TWICE.  I ran in the morning, headed in town to have a fun lunch, picked up my oldest from nursery school and dropped him with his favorite sitter before heading back to the gym for a pilates class. I did not have to cook because we had leftovers, and I even accomplished some ironing while watching the republican debates. Things are survivable today!!

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