Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday: Swim and Tracy Anderson

Now that Little G is three months old, we are attempting to full on hit our stride.  We are starting up the routine and going with it.  We are regulars at Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday swim, I am running like I do, and I am throwing some strength straining into the mix.  I am working a few days a month, and I look forward to it like a seven year old might look forward to going to Disneyworld.  When I work, it is three full hours of time alone.  I drive into work by myself and then work in my office and then drive home by myself.  It is so lovely.

Anyway, after the mammoth, absolutely epic, challenge of getting a three year old and an infant out the door to swim, I was slightly more than frazzled.  It is just so frazzling, but I did get to shower alone and honestly, that means a lot.

And once my list of things to accomplish was finished:
1) swim
2) lunch
3) visit to great-grandmother
4) older son to swim lesson
5) everyone home
6) dinner for three year old
7) dinner for me
8) bake breakfast for tomorrow morning
9) laundry, laundry, laundry

I was able to sit down and work through my Tracy Anderson video.  Tracy Anderson is this trainer that Gwyneth Paltrow raves about.  She is the size of an Olson twin and truly lovely.  She also wears her hair in this sort of bumpette look in the video, and it is adorable.  It makes me want to spend hours (which I do not have) in front of the mirror attempting to tease my hair just like hers.

Anyway, she has made a post-pregnancy workout video, and in it she states that she gained 60 pounds when she was pregnant.  This is a statement which I flat out do not believe.  I would sooner believe that she can speak parsel tongue or that she is a fairy with wings.  Anyway, that unbelievable statement is why I bought the DVD.  The workout is a very intense abs workout, and I will say that it is making a huge difference in my strength and form.  I recommend it.

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