Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday: Oh Misery

Last night, my oldest was up three different times in the night and let me just tell you, I was about out of my mind with sleeplessness and inexplicably in my older son's bed when my infant woke up this morning. I never even thought about early swim.  I thought for a minute about my 8:30 AM swim class, but I just thought that I was exhausted and maybe we needed a day at home.  I had not had a day off from working out in a while and I thought in my head we would hang out in out pajamas, and that would be fun.

Clearly, I was muddled in the head, because it was the worst idea in the history of having children.  My oldest was begging to go to the gym nursery by 10:00 AM and my youngest was fussing and not napping and I had not even brushed my teeth.  The baby spit up on me 1000 times, my oldest kept climbing on the furniture and leaping to the floor so hard that the china was shaking in its cupboard.

By the time my oldest woke up from his nap, the nursery at the YMCA was closed and there was no way I was getting a swim.  All there was left to do was to take my oldest to his swim team practice.  Swim team was lovely and my three year old is always happy to be there, and I dropped my guard for a while.  I got to be fun mom and even picked up fast food on the way home since some how dinner never happened with everything else that was hitting the fan at home.  I was rewarded for my brief stint as fun mom with my oldest son dropping a milkshake on the floor of the car.  It exploded on the floorboards and at 6:00 PM, I found myself pulled over on the side of the road stifling expletives while both children wailed in the back seat.  Honestly, all you can do about a spilled milkshake is take a hose to the situation.  This one just did not end easily.

Anyway, at least I made myself take a day off of working out.  What I learned from it, however, is that I NEVER want a day off from working out.  I need that two hours away from children the way I need food and water.  Lesson learned.

13 Miles tomorrow!!

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