Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday: Swim

At our house, I call the witching hour the time around dinner time, when everyone is worn out with each other and my three year old starts acting up and the baby gets grumpy and will not quite settle and I start to feel like I need to leave town or have a drink or cut all my hair off.  Something dreadful always happens; a spill, someone has a tantrum, someone falls and cries at an inordinate volume, or someone spits up all over something that can only be dry cleaned.  

Today during the witching hour, I heard myself say OUT LOUD, "Don't put your bare penis on my cowboy boot", which sounds like the title of a b-grade Texas porno.  It was, however, par for the course for something that would happen at my house during the witching hour.  My three year old had gone to the bathroom and while there, had removed all of his clothes for an as yet undisclosed reason.  He came out and pasted himself against my cowboys boot, and I immediately uttered what I did.  I then immediately felt the urge for a stiff drink or a prolonged stay in a sanatorium.  Neither option opened up to me and I just had to shoulder the burden of my children until they were both put to bed.  

It was harder today, because I was not running on a full night's sleep.  The baby had been up in the night, my three year old had been up in the night and when all was said and done, I could not go back to sleep and had essentially been awake since four-ish.  The baby then slept until 8:30 AM meaning that we were very late in getting to my swim class, but I am learning to take this in stride.  I swam 2000 meters of my swim coach's workout with the class and then just hit another 1000 on my own after class ended.  It worked out fine and sometimes my days are just like that.  

At home, I ran everyone about to afternoon activities and was home by 4:00 PM to make lentil stew for dinner.  It is full of fresh basil and everyone loves it!! 

Feeling under the weather, but hopefully it is from lack of sleep.  Hitting the sack early and hoping for an early run tomorrow, but am not ruling out a day off.  Hopefully a pilates class as well!!

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