Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday: I WON

Ah HAH!!!!  I have won a small battle.  The battle of the get up early to get in my workout.  I was up at six, at the gym by 6:10, and home by 7:00 AM before the baby ever woke up.  Indeed I was.  I only dead sprinted three miles on the treadmill, but it was a real accomplishment.  It made me realize that it could be done, and we could all still function.

It has given me so much confidence, in fact, that I am contemplating hitting the pool for a full swim workout tomorrow morning, but we will have to see.  It requires getting up a full hour earlier, I think, and I am not sure about the tao of Little G tonight.  Last night we had a 2 AM night feeding, and then sleep until 7:30 AM.  This was really pretty lovely.  I was out of the shower with my beloved hot rollers in my hair straight shooting coffee like a champ by the time I started breast feeding.

Now, the downside of all this is that my alarm woke up my older son.  He followed me into the kitchen in his footy pajamas looking like Cindy Lou Hoo and whimpering pitifully about wanting to go with me, wanting to be picked up and wanting some chocolate milk.  My blood pressure began slowly creeping up as I could not seem to comfort him quickly enough to get out the door to get to the gym and back before my other son woke up, and then woke up my husband.  Let me just tell you, everything would have hit the fan at that point.  Day over before it started.

I need to do something about this alarm situation.  Like maybe invest in some sort of silent electroshock apparatus.  Deep sleeping has always been an issue with me, and the opposite is true of my older son.  The slightest thing wakes him up.  The cat walking in the room, the start of a light rainfall, the slight opening of his door to make sure he is OK in bed are all things that must sound like sonic booms to his three year old ears for all the wakefulness it has caused.

For me, if the alarm is not set at an earsplitting volume, I will sleep through it.  When I was a committed bed wetter as a child, my parents bought this bell and pad system that sounded an alarm whenever I wet the bed.  I always slept through it.  The rest of the house knew that I had wet the bed, but I was sleeping blissfully in a puddle.  For this reason, my alarm is loud, and I need to figure out a better plan.  Tonight, I am going to try sleeping with my phone in my hand and put in on vibrate.   Will that wake me up? Slipping seamlessly out of the house is integral to making the dark thirty workout happen.

I need to look into alternate alarm systems.

Anyway, great run this morning, busy day popping into my office to work, nice evening sitting on the front porch reading my new biography of Queen Elizabeth.  Much ponderance over my post-baby stomach.  More discussion of that tomorrow.

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