Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday: Swim and Tracy Anderson

Me, spelunking!!
You know,  I think the most difficult part of having a new baby is how a new baby fakes you out on a regular basis.  You think, "OK, we are now sleeping through the night, I am going to make some plans", then the baby stops sleeping through the night.  Your plans to hit the gym early are cancelled, because there is no way to drag yourself out of bed on the paltry amount of sleep the baby allowed your body.

You think, "OK, the baby is doing well in the nursery, I will get to have a great workout" and then some clearly inept (because at this point, I cannot blame myself or my child.  There is too much blaming of members of our household already.) nursery worker comes to break it to me that the baby has melted down beyond the pale of nursery worker tolerance and I must come immediately.  For whatever reason, this baby will not take a bottle.  He only wants two specific spigots for milk, and they are on my chest.  Is he really my child, I will generally take food from wherever there is a handout.  I am not picky.

This morning, I thought that I would at least get up earlyish to show my body that it could be done, but the baby insisted on staying up until all hours, then waking from time to time from the hours of 2:00 AM until 6:00 AM.  It was brutal and I staggered out of bed at 7:00 AM, which meant that we were all dragging and I arrived on the pool deck this morning both late and feeling defeated.  In fact, I am defeated.

While I was only at swim class for an hour, I did get in a pleasant 2600 yards.  This is nothing stellar, but it is an accomplishment under the circumstances.  At home, we toted my older son off to Swim America before coming home and muddling my way through the witching hours that take place from before dinner until after bedtime. A little Tracy Anderson and I am off to bed.  Hopefully up early to get in my first pre-dawn workout.  Will it happen?  I would say that there is a 50/50 chance.

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